News & Events
An update from the SAFC on COVID-19
13 March 2020
In response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the SAFC is following latest advice being provided by SA Health, the Federal Department of Health, and other Central Agencies via the Department of Innovation and Skills.
We are monitoring this information daily, and working with other State screen agencies and Screen Australia to ensure, wherever possible, minimal impact on the SA screen sector and SAFC agency activities.
We recommend all SA screen sector members stay informed by monitoring the following resources for up-to-date advice about COVID-19:
- SA Health: COVID-19 information hub
- Federal Department of Health: COVID-19 information hub
- Screen Producers Australia: Coronavirus Guidance for Producers
As always, the SAFC’s priority remains the support and growth of the South Australian screen industry and its practitioners. We will continue to monitor latest advice and provide updates accordingly.
We understand that the emerging risks may affect SA screen businesses and practitioners. We urge businesses to keep the SAFC informed of any such impacts.
Be assured the SAFC will be proactive about supporting the ongoing activities of the sector to the best of our abilities.