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SAFC launches Reconciliation Action Plan for 2018-2019

12 July 2018

The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) has today launched its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2018-2019. Our RAP  details our commitment to developing long-term, beneficial and reciprocal partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in the screen industry. 

SAFC Aboriginal Screen Strategy Executive, Lee-Ann Tjunypa Buckskin highlighted the importance of the RAP, Reconciliation is a vital process in any society. Truth and reconciliation assists in closure and healing and ultimately frees it’s citizens from the burdensome past of racist ideologies and policies which haunts and hides in the darkest corners of our country’s history.’

Through mutual partnerships and engagement, we commit to strengthening South Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s involvement in screen production and screen culture, across the organisation and among all our stakeholders in the wider community. We will encourage, engage, and stimulate opportunities to increase the making of screen content by South Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander screen practitioners. Our strategy is to increase diversity on our screens for all Australians and International screen audiences.

SAFC Chief Executive Courtney Gibson said ‘The SAFC Reconciliation Action Plan embeds within our organisation a commitment to building stronger relationships with indigenous stakeholders and to a continuing – and continually evolving – process of decolonising the agency itself. The Plan charts a course for us to deliver more opportunities to Aboriginal screen content makers in SA, as well as to grow larger screen audiences among ATSI communities.’

Click here to view the SAFC 2018-2019 Reconciliation Action Plan.

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