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See the photos: SAFC celebrates 2024 NAIDOC Week

12 July 2024

As an organisation committed to supporting First Nations voices, cultures and stories, and championing First Nations creatives and screen practitioners, the SAFC has proudly celebrated 2024 NAIDOC Week with a range of activities this week

The SAFC was delighted to host First Nations South Australian screen creatives at the 2024 National NAIDOC Awards hosted in Tarndanya (Adelaide) on 7 July. SAFC CEO Kate Croser and SAFC Head of Production and Development Leanne Saunders hosted two SAFC tables at the gala event, which was a great opportunity for practitioners to network, connect and celebrate the achievements of First Nations leaders and change makers from around the country.

The celebrations continued with a NAIDOC Week Coffee Morning at Adelaide Studios on 9 July, where members of the SA screen industry joined Kaurna elders and SAFC staff for networking over a cuppa and scones provided by Something Wild Catering.

Thank you to Kaurna and Ngarrindjeri man Isaac Hannam who opened the event’s formalities with a powerful Welcome to Country, standing in front of Aboriginal and Tiwi Islands flags kindly gifted to the SAFC by the team behind Top End Bub, which recently wrapped filming in South Australia.

Attendees were among the first to see an exciting new addition to the SAFC’s South Australian screen memorabilia displays, spotlighting SA made and SAFC supported short film Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black). The film’s co-writer and director, Yankunytjatjara South Australian artist and performer Derik Lynch, was in attendance and was able to enjoy the display, featuring the gold dress and shoes he wore in the film alongside a selection of the many awards the film has received.

The SAFC’s South Australian screen memorabilia display is on show in the Adelaide Studios reception foyer, and is viewable by the public during business hours.

Derik Lynch with the new Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black) showcase in the SAFC’s South Australian screen memorabilia display.

2024 NAIDOC Week Spotlight Series

Every year the SAFC celebrates National NAIDOC week by highlighting the work of First Nations screen creatives living and working in South Australia. This year we’ve thrown the spotlight on the seven writers currently developing new and original short film scripts as part of the SAFC’s First Nations Short Film Initiative. Click here to read our Q&As with these talented screen practitioners!

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